Minggu, 06 September 2020

Jual Concrete Proceq Digital SIlver Schmidt Type PC-N Digital - Tlp 08128222998

The SilverSchmidt ST/PC is the first integrated concrete test hammer featuring true rebound value and unmatched repeatability. 
Two factors contribute to the improved performance of this concrete test hammer over its predecessors:  

  • Velocity based detection of the rebound quotient
  • The lightweight hybrid design of the impact plunger is made from aerospace alloy, matched to the elastic properties of the concrete and equipped with a hardness steel cap
Independent validation testing by BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany) has shown the SilverSchmidt ST/PC to have less dispersion than the classical concrete test hammer over the entire range.  
The unique design and high quality construction of the concrete test hammer SilverSchmidt ST/PC makes rebound hammer testing quicker and more accurate than ever before.

  • The SilverSchmidt ST/PC concrete test hammer combines a high measurement accuracy with an unmatched repeatability.
  • The rebound value requires no angular correction
  • The concrete test hammer offers customer conversion curves for a wide range of compressive concrete strengths, including low fc (<10 N/mm2, 1’450 psi) and high strength concrete (up to 100 N/mm2, 14’500 psi)
  • A large number of measurement points can be easily collected by the concrete test hammer and automatically evaluated according to statistical data
  • The concrete test hammer offers automatic conversion to the required measurement unit (MPa, N/mm2, kg/cm2, psi)
  • Ideally suited for on-site tests of concrete
  • The concrete test hammer is suitable for testing a wide variety of concrete, mortar and rock, but also for testing metal castings
  • Handy for difficult to access or confined test areas (i.e. working overhead)
  • Assessment on young, soft concrete with mushroom plunger of the concrete test hammer, eg. asphalt strength testing
  • It can be even used for underwater applications
  • Combining Methods to Evaluate Concrete Strength
Product Variations
  • Concrete test hammer SilverSchmidt Type ST N - Standard impact energy (2.207 Nm)
  • Concrete test hammer SilverSchmidt Type ST L - Reduced impact energy (0.735 Nm)
  • Concrete test hammer SilverSchmidt Type PC N - Standard impact energy (2.207 Nm) with PC communication, increased memory capacity and Hammerlink software
  • Concrete test hammer SilverSchmidt Type PC L- Reduced impact energy (0.735 Nm) with PC communication, increased memory capacity and Hammerlink software
Applicable Standards
The following standards can be applied to the concrete test hammer:
  • EN12504-2 (European Standard)
  • ASTM C 805 (North American Standard)
  • JGJ/T 23-2001 (Chinese Standard)
Marga Setia
Pusat Jual Alat Survey Indonesia
Alamat : Jalan H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Nama : Firmansyah
Telp : 08128222998
Wa : 08128222998 / 087770760007
Fax : (021).22054159
Email : salesmargasetia@gmail.com

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