Minggu, 06 September 2020

Jual Concrete Rebound Hammer Test ZC3A Call 08128222998

Marga Setia
Pusat Jual Alat Survey Indonesia
Alamat : Jalan H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Nama : Firmansyah
Telp : 08128222998
Wa : 08128222998 / 087770760007
Fax : (021).22054159
Email : salesmargasetia@gmail.com

Concrete Rebound Hammer Tester Resiliometer Schmidt Hammer Test Meter Tool within the scope of 10-60 Mpa ZC3-A
Concrete Rebound Hammer Tester Resiliometer Schmidt Hammer Test Meter Tool within the scope of 10-60Mpa ZC3-A
 Length of pointer: 20.0±0.2 (mm), Friction of pointer: 0.65±0.15 (N)
Sphere semi diameter at the end of the flip rod: 25±1.0 (mm),Hop location of the flip hammer: "0" at the graduated scale
Rigidity of flip tensioned spring: 785.0±40.0 (N/m), Work length of flip tensioned spring: 61.5.0± 0.3(mm)
Location of flip hammer's hook release: "100" at the scale mark, Strike length of flip hammer: 75±0.3(mm)
NDT Resiliometer Schmidt Hammer used for testing of concrete compressive strength within the scope of 10-60Mpa

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